barely enough

I had errands at lunch today – one of which was the result of my forgettery in taking chicken from the freezer. As a consequence there was no reading time. Fortunately because I caught the train home and missed one by two seconds, I had time for reading – so I guess that is a win. It was too cold to sit in the park anyway.

No brekkie for it was a fast day

2 photos taken (see above)

And a token blog post. Token because my internet time this evening being consumed by looking at pretty dresses (boden having a 40% off sale). And argh! Pulled the trigger on a purchase and then realised the address was the old SML one. I immediately contacted customer support, so let us hope this can be resolved or we’ve organised to have mail redirected!

Hmmm … what is TheUniverse trying to tell me about shopping?


We have plans this weekend to finally paint Bessie’s room – a year after we completed the rest of ThePalace(OfLove). Sure there is a giant hole in the wall (more on that later), but we’ll paint around it. We’re kind of adamant that the last vestiges of the vomity/poopy yellow must be erased.

Then at some point we must tackle the six darker vomity/poopy yellow doors. I’m quite confident that I am not going to want to see a paint brush for several years after this summer!