making up the numbers

giant chalk rainbow at world square for mardi gras

I am in dire need of a run, having missed out on the weekend. Just how I managed a couple of years ago to get up and run 5km four mornings on weekdays is a complete mystery to me.

I’ve made the first step in sorting our wills and powers of attorney – so very grown up. Should all be sorted by mid-month. I feel very relieved to have begun the process, one of those (many, many) things that was just hanging there un-actioned making me feel guilty.

If Don and I can cover off some of the major things on our to do lists before the end of April, we are planning to reward ourselves with a quick trip to Melbourne. Hopefully this will be the incentive we need to kick some things into gear.

So grumpish and tired of my tiresome colleagues, March cannot end quickly enough!

But in nice news, I managed to get tickets in the STC King Lear pre-sale – hopefully we haven’t forgotten we bought them by December!