Our meals have been all the poorer in range since I stopped with the food bloggering.
While I don’t think I can sustain the momentum of photographing and posting everything we eat, surely I can maintain a simple list!
And so the minimalist food blog was born. At the end of each month I’ll be moving the table to a post of its own and starting all over again.
We’re all hoping this will encourage a little more variety/experimentation because without accountability we’ve been relying too much on the olde faves, which we are rapidly tiring of.
I have begun photographing every evening meal I make (qualification there) using the auto-upload camera function in Google+ so I just snap, and someone else on the magic internet takes care of it.
Awesome! Must check it out (I haven’t been to google+ since I signed up)
What eventually killed my project was my perfectionism in editing the photos – making them just so, in perfect squares – looking back on the archives, I wish I had kept it up. Maybe after we move to OurVeryOwnHaus.