Last weekend we ventured out in the torrential rain to Bing Lee to replace some very unsatisfactory small appliances.
We now have a shiny new 2 slice toaster (replacing the terrible and terribly expensive 4 slice one), a sandwich press (to replace the jaffle maker which no bread seemed to fit), rice-cooker (despite vigilant use of plastic utensils, the non-stick coating was flaking off the existing one – which, though adding a splash of contrast to the rice, really can’t be good for one) and an immersion blender (to replace nothing, but Don’s been wanting one for years).
We also picked up a supplementary heater in preparation for the colder months, because our current oil-filled beast takes such an age to heat that the room finally becomes acceptably warm once it is time for bed.
We’re now in possession of an old-skool utter fire hazard of a radiant heater – on wheels!. I desperately wanted one of those kitschy faux-fireplace numbers, but Don is unfathomably completely and vehemently opposed to them.
So it was with immense jealousy that I beheld (beholded?) Joan’s latest purchase.
Don remains unconvinced.