
Its babies weekend!

Which is always lots of fun, but usually turns the hardly abode into something resembling a madhouse – sprogs everywhere playing rather loud games – at the moment they have overtaken the lounge with a hugely complex Bratz game. Bess’ mattress has been lifted to a sharp angle and named “speed hill” – various bratz are placed in the barbie 4wd and let loose down the slope. There are various ever-changing love triangles and the occasional gruesome murder – that’s what tends to happen when you add a 10 year old boy to the playing dollies mix.

Joe/Frank is amusing us greatly with his “interpretations” of the various songs he sings to accompany his playing. He is such a funny little guy.

As I arrived early to collect Bess after netball yesterday, I managed to rummage through a couple of thrift stores & came out with some bargains (if I was more financial I could have purchased so much more! It was one of those shopping expeditions where the stores seem to be overflowing with fab stuff). I scored a pair of mooks jeans for $5.50 which fit perfectly (unlike my j.crew jeans, which i adore, but which keep falling down – now I normally like baggy pants hovering around hip level, but these hang in a dreadfully unflattering way), a pair of pants for work – $4.00 & 2 almost new denim jackets – light-ish coloured for Joe/Frank @ $10 and darker denim for Bess @ $8.50 – which fit perfectly & look so cute.

I am rather concerned at the lack of decent clothes the sprogs apparently possess (admittedly it could be that the w.s.m. only allows them to bring hideously unflattering and too small garments with them), so now that we will be less cash-strapped, I will be increasing their meagre wardrobes. Unfortunately each time I send something decent home with them, it never returns (so I know they have *some* nice things).

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