plod plod plod

Evidence of just how unfit I am today – I spent the morning at the photcopier and I was completely shattered by about 1pm (after standing since 8.30am). My poor leggies are still aching. Once again, time to thank the gods that I am not a checkout chick.

Thankfully the first part of my very daunting task is completed – unfortunately that was the smaller part of the task (I’ll still have to copy & collate around 30 lever arch folders chock-full of crap1). The fun just never stops!

My lovely kidlets presented me with divine treats for Mother’s Day – gorgeous handmade cards from Joe/Frank & Bess – and the naughty Nancy (because she is fully aware that I don’t approve of mother’s day gifts2) went shopping and bought me some wonderful bath treats from the Body Shop, which she presented in a most gorgeous container. Hopefully after some washing slavery, I will get a chance to try some of it out.

Tomorrow is allegedly No Makeup Day. No, I will NOT be participating – the very thought just gives me horrors! I am sure my colleagues would never recover!

Thursday, April 15, 2004
Imagine every woman in Australia not wearing make-up for one day of the year…
What would that say about us, as women and as Australians?
Well it would be one helluva way to say…
We are comfortable with who we are and we celebrate our inner beauty.”

Actually I AM comfortable with who I am – and I am comfortable enough with who I am to know that I prefer to wear makeup to work. I think it is rather ironic that these No Makeup Day people are trying to dictate what should make someone comfortable with themselves.

1 the technical term for it
2 nonetheless, I was just thrilled with her thoughtfulness!!

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